SofSURFACES Inc. to be featured on the “World’s Greatest…” Television Show

Playground surfaces play a very important role in injury prevention for children on playgrounds. Since falls are one of the major causes of non fatal injuries in children, it is necessary to have playground surfaces that can properly absorb impact, and companies that manufacture playground safety surface like SofSURFACES are extremely important to help protect children from injury. SofSURFACES is the leading company in softile for playground surfaces, and they are soon to be featured on a television show called, “World’s Greatest…” Crown Point Production, the producers of “World’s Greatest…” will be highlighting the ins and outs of this privately owned playground safety surface company when they travel up to Ontario Canada to take footage of the factory and how they make SofSURFACES unique softile with KrosLOCKING systems.

Why SofSURFACES? The Executive Producer of the show, Gordon Freeman stated, “SofSURFACES is a manufacture of interlocking playground tiles, in fact is the largest manufactures of interlocking tiles, and is exactly the type of company we like to feature on “World’s Greatest…” They are a privately owned, fast growing company with plenty to offer, and they have a great story to tell.”

SofSURFACES is constantly developing playground safety surface technology to produce products that are truly amazing and state of the art. Not only is softile eco-friendly in that it is manufactured from recycled rubber but also; the playground surfaces this company provides are much safer for children than more traditional loose fill playground safety surface. In fact SofSURFACES has implemented an internal protocol for their playground surfaces which specifies that all of their softile systems will exceed the ASTM F1292-04 fall protection standard by a minimum of 25% when undergoing lab testing. SofSURFACES always strives to keep a child’s safety in mind when they are creating their softile products. Playground safety surface companies like this one are few and far between, and the producers of “World’s Greatest…” will be doing us all a great service by shining the light on the top quality playground surfaces.