Developmental Impact of Playground Equipment

Author: Austin Stanfel

You can likely think back to your childhood and remember your time at the playground. You may remember the first time you completed the monkey bars or climbed to the top of the playset. You may remember your favorite things to do at the playground. These are experiences you carry with you as an adult and even share with your children during adventures to the playground. Today, playgrounds have evolved into inclusive places

Benefits of Accessible Playgrounds

Author: Austin Stanfel

Playgrounds are a central point in many neighborhoods and a great place for children to hang out. At playgrounds, children can run and play with their peers while having fun and developing essential skills for their futures. The problem is that in the past, playgrounds weren't something that was accessible to all children. This meant that some children, especially those with disabilities, weren't able to access the playgrounds. This also meant that

How Free Playtime Impacts Mental Health

Author: Austin Stanfel

When you think about free playtime as a kid, you may remember how nice it was to have that break in between learning. These days, with the competitive nature of schooling, it seems as though people forget just how vital free playtime is for children. The reality is that free playtime can be highly beneficial to kids, not just for their academic needs but also for their mental health. Reading on, you

How to Create a Fun Playground Space for Children

Author: Austin Stanfel

Playgrounds are supposed to be a fun and safe space for children. This is where children can expand their social skills, play, and meet people their age. Creating a fun playground space can be easier than you think, but of course, it isn't just about planning where to put the new swings. It's about incorporating the climbing bars, slides, swings and making it entirely versatile for children of all ages. Designing a

How Teachers Can Have Creative Lessons on the Playground

Author: Austin Stanfel

The 2020-2021 school year was challenging for both students and their teachers. Now, in the 2021-2022 school year, there is a unique situation that children and teachers are still in. Children are mostly back in the classrooms for the first time in many months, for some students. This is why teachers are trying to find creative and constructive solutions to present their lessons and activities to their students. The good news is

Top 10 Ways You Can Constructively Teach Children by Using a Playground

Author: Austin Stanfel

You'd naturally assume playgrounds are for playing, but why can't they double up as a classroom? Children learn in different ways. Some open their minds in the Classroom with the teacher showing a science demonstration while other methods are more productive. Sometimes a school playground can be a tool that helps teach a child about science, math, and much more. You probably disagree with that; however, it can be a notion