
Explore ways to clean the outdoor playground equipment

Outdoor playgrounds provide kids with the space to learn, play, and have fun. These playgrounds contain equipment that increases the kids’ physical health and improves their cognitive development. Kids can obtain the unlimited benefits of the playground only if it is clean, fully maintained, and safe. When many kids play in the playground, dirt and bacteria accumulate on the surface, which can cause diseases, and it is compulsory to clean it.
In this article, we will guide you with five ways to clean the outdoor playground equipment that enhances the charm of the outdoor space.

1. Select the Appropriate Time
Timing is the key while cleaning the equipment. It is recommended to choose free time for yourself and check when the playground is not accommodating to kids and families. Early mornings or late afternoons on weekdays are ideal. Avoid peak play hours, such as weekends or holidays, to ensure that kids can enjoy the playground without any inconvenience.

2. Clean with simple soap and water
Use soap and water to clean the playground equipment quickly and efficiently. It is forbidden to use chemical cleaners since they can harm children. So, start by removing loose debris like leaves and dirt. Then, use a soft cloth dipped in the soapy water to wipe down surfaces, removing dirt and stains. This method is particularly effective for plastic and metal equipment. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow the equipment to air dry.

3. Timber Protection
Playground equipment made of wood requires special care for its extensive use. Else, they can show signs of wear out and damaged equipment. Regularly inspect wooden surfaces for signs of wear, splinters, and mold. Clean the wood using a gentle cleaner, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply a protective wood sealant against weathering, moisture, and pests. This step ensures that the wood remains durable and safe for children.

4. Power washing
Power washing is a very effective way of cleaning outdoor playground equipment. Instead of conventional cleaning, power washing can be more practical and efficient as it can remove stubborn dirt, grime, and bird droppings from playground equipment. However, this method should be used cautiously, as excessive pressure can damage surfaces or paint. If using a power washer, maintain a safe distance and use a low-pressure nozzle.

5. Promote hand Sanitization
While routine sanitization is essential, it has become compulsory and common during the covid pandemic. Such practices can make the kids safe and clean and reduce the risk of diseases. Install hand sanitizer stations near entrances and exits to encourage regular hand hygiene. Educate children about the importance of clean hands and their role in preventing the spread of germs. This practice complements the overall cleanliness efforts.

Some Safety Tips to keep in mind
To ensure that the playground is clean and fully maintained without the risk of any injuries, there are some tips for you:

  • Cleaning products should be within their expiration date.
  • Keep these cleaning products out of the reach of the children.
  • Be aware of the toxic gases that can be generated if bleach mixes with the ammonia.
  • Wear protective gears.

Final Thoughts
In conclusion, cleaning playground equipment is essential for the safety of kids. Cleaned and well-maintained equipment improves kids’ interaction and keeps them healthy and away from diseases. By selecting the right time for cleaning, using gentle cleaning agents, protecting wooden surfaces, employing power washing cautiously, and promoting hand sanitization, playgrounds can be kept clean, attractive, and safe for children to enjoy. Remember that routine maintenance extends the equipment’s life and fosters a healthier play environment for children and their families.
