
Playground Needs Assessment Priorities & Options

When conducting a Playground Needs Assessment, there are several priorities and options that should be considered. First, it’s important to determine the age range of the children who will be using the playground, as this will impact the types of equipment and safety measures required.

Next, it’s important to consider the size and location of the playground. The size should be appropriate for the number of children who will be using it, and it should be located in a safe and accessible area.

Another important consideration is the type of surfacing used on the playground. The surfacing should be soft and impact-absorbing to prevent injuries from falls.

In addition to these priorities, there are several options to consider when designing a playground. These include incorporating natural elements such as trees and rocks, providing opportunities for imaginative play, and including equipment for children with disabilities.

When designing a playground, it’s important to prioritize safety, accessibility, and play value. By considering these priorities and options, you can create a playground that meets the needs of children and their families in your community.
