Supreme Court Rules in Favor Of Giving Churches Access To State Programs

Author: Austin Stanfel

A church in Missouri was denied access to public funds when it applied for aid from the government to resurface the flooring at its playground. Before the change to this amendment was made, churches were excluded from any state programs that other charitable groups would have been eligible for. As its final decision before the Supreme Court ended, it decided that not allowing religious congregations to have access to these funds was ‘too

Safety Precaution on Playground Environments

Author: Austin Stanfel

Safety in the playground environment is one of the most important aspects of health and safety. Not only is it important to make sure that the equipment being used is of a high standard, but the surfaces must also meet requirements. The last thing anybody needs is an accident at a playground because it is a is a very serious and high profile form of accident. To get the best safety from

Creative Play

Author: Austin Stanfel

Creative play is a newer definition for what most children have done since finding things to entertain themselves with. Creativity stimulates your brain, as does playing, which overall promotes well-being. It seems that we don’t really realize this when it’s actually occurring, and in theory, we shouldn’t be preoccupied with it, we really should just be playing. So what does the actual term creative play mean? Is there a difference between creative

Surface Impact Attenuation Pre-Test

Author: Austin Stanfel

Playground surfaces were created to provide people with a space where they can play and have fun. So, it should be a place where accidents and injuries occur. So, how can we reduce the occurrence of such cases? It can be done by conducting a surface impact attenuation pre-test.

What is it?

It is a test that ensures that playgrounds are compliant with the requirements and standards of this industry. So, prescribed test devices

4 Outdoor Fitness Trends in 2017

Author: Austin Stanfel

Being healthy is super important for doing well in

All New Commercial Playground Series Exclusive

Author: Austin Stanfel

We are excited to announce that we will be releasing this all new series May 30th including 8 new designs, all new components and technology with maximized play value. These structures will be priced as value engineered similar to the 2016 best selling Nature Tree Series and are expected to cost 40%-50% less than similar. More detail